District Conventions and fact file

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District Conventions and fact file

Lions Clubs British Isles (MD105)
Fact File: Districts

Key information

As of July 2019, the Multiple District comprises eight districts. Each elects a District Governor (DG) who serves for a year, starting in July. Together, these eight Lions constitute the Council of Governors (CoG), who serve and govern Multiple District 105: British Isles.

A District Governor from the past three years is chosen as the Chair of the Council of Governors. This is a once-in-a-lifetime appointment for a term of one year. The Council of Governors supervises the administration of all Multiple District (MD) affairs. The new Chair of Governors for 2024/2025 is Kavaljit (Kav) Dev.

The CoG is supported by the Council Secretary and Treasurer, as well as a small number of staff, and a team of MD officers. One of the first tasks of the new Council of Governors is the appointment of officers in the Global Action Team (covering leadership, service, and membership) and for functions including IT and communications.

Contact details

District District Governor Website
105A Kadambari (Kadu) Shah http://lions105a.org/
105CE Colin Talbot https://www.lions105ce.org/
105CN Ian Francis https://lionsclubs105cn.org.uk/
105CW Stu Young https://lions105cw.org.uk/
105N Gillian Swan https://lionsdistrict105n.org/
105SC Sandra Manktelow https://www.lions105sc.org.uk/
105SE Steve Carley https://www.lionsgiving.co.uk
105SW Kevin Moore http://www.lions105sw.org.uk

District map

Click to access MD105 Club Directory via Forum

District conventions

District Conventions must be held at least 30 days before the International Convention. All District Conventions have been held for 2024, details for 2025 will be shown as soon as they are available.

About district conventions

Lions Clubs International requires every district throughout the world to hold an annual convention, attended by club delegates and other Lions members. District Conventions involve a business meeting where the new district governor and vice district governors are elected, district annual accounts are approved and subscriptions agreed, and reports of the work of the district cabinet officers are presented. In addition, clubs may raise issues and/or propose changes to district practices for debate.

District Conventions are not simply formal AGMs, as they offer an opportunity for Lions to meet up, exchange ideas, and enjoy social activities. Interesting speakers may be invited to talk about their work or other topics. Open forum sessions are held and informal connections between Lions and their clubs are made.

Countries in MD105

The Multiple District of Lions Clubs in the British Isles (MD105) comprises clubs located in Scotland, England, and Wales, plus the Isle of Man and the Bailiwicks of Guernsey and Jersey.

In 2017, District 133 Ireland was established and replaced District 105I which was formerly part of the Multiple District (MD105) that also included Lions clubs in Britain.David

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