Youth Exchange and Youth Camp

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Youth Exchange and Youth Camp

Youth Exchange and Youth Camp

Contact details (sub-head)

Name: Doreen Allen – Youth Chair, whilst an appointment is made
MD title: Youth Chair

Key information

The Lions International Youth Exchange and Youth Camp are life changing experiences.  Young people between the ages of 16-21 are encouraged to use this travel opportunity to represent their home countries and share their own culture whilst travelling to another, living with a host family and taking part in a youth camp.

Programme details

Each year the Lions International Youth Exchange and Youth Camp programmes give thousands of young people across the world the opportunity to experience life in other countries and gain a new understanding of cultures through travel overseas.

Unlike some youth exchange programmes, the Lions Youth Exchange and Youth Camp does not involve academic study or employment. Instead, participants are encouraged to use this travel opportunity to represent their home countries and share their own culture while learning about and embracing a new one.

The benefits of Youth Exchange and Youth Camp

Young people benefit from this unique cultural learning experience by being able to:

  • Share their own culture with others
  • Become young ambassadors for peace
  • Learn about in local customs
  • Visit places of interest
  • Participate team building
  • Make new international friends

Host families get to:

  • Experience the joy of sharing their culture and daily customs
  • Learn about the young visitors’ customs and culture
  • Build friendships.

How to apply

To qualify for the Youth Exchange Programme and the Youth Camp, young people must be:

  • Between the ages of 16-22
  • Sponsored or nominated by a local Lions Club
  • Provide a letter from their local doctor (GP) stating that they are fit and healthy
  • Willing to accept the customs of another culture.

Do you know a young person who would benefit from an exchange trip in the Summer of 2025? A family member, a Leo, a member of a school or youth group in your community. Please download the letter below for further details.

Letter – Lions Clubs MD105 Youth Exchange – Do you know a young person who would benefit?

Host Families sought between 2 August – 11 August 2024

This year we are looking for host families to accept one or more of the twenty-one young people for the hosting period and to share their homes, family life, and locality between 2 August 2024 – 11 August 2024.

Lions who host young people coming to the British Isles as part of the program often form friendships with the young people and their families that last a lifetime.

To find out more about hosting, please download and read the letter below:

Letter – Lions Clubs MD105 Appeal for Youth Exchange Host Families

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