Call for Convention 2024

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Call for Convention 2024

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Convention Call 2024

Lions Clubs International – Multiple District 105 British Isles

72nd Annual Convention – Official Convention Call

In accordance with Article IV of the MD Constitution, the Council of Governors hereby issue the Official Call for the Convention of the Multiple District for the year 2023-2024 which will be held on the 4 May 2024 at Weston-Super-Mare.

Any Club or District wishing to submit Resolutions for consideration at the said Convention, must submit them, in writing, to be received by the closing date of Sunday 31 December 2023 to the Appointed Officer:

MD105 Constitutions, Nominations and Resolutions Officer
Lion Trevor Kell
19 The Avenue, South Milford, Leeds. LS25 5BB

Notification of Resolutions from Clubs MUST be accompanied by:

1. The written agreement of a Club, other than the proposing Club, to second the same
2. The relevant extract from the minutes of each Club showing the actual wording agreed and that the resolution should be submitted/seconded.

For further information, please click on the link below and click on the image shown

Convention Call 2024 – letter with Notes


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