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Prostate Cancer
Name: | Lion Jon Lines |
MD title: | Prostate Cancer Multiple District Officer |
Email: | jlines18@hotmail.co.uk |
Key information
What is prostate cancer? According to Cancer Research UK:
Prostate cancer starts in the prostate gland. The prostate gland is found at the base of the bladder and is about the size of a walnut. It is the most common cancer found in men.
There are a number of tests to check for prostate cancer. This includes a digital rectal examination, a PSA blood test, biopsy, and scans.
For further information about Prostate Cancer, please check out the following organisations:
Prostate Cancer UK https://prostatecanceruk.org/prostate-information-and-support/get-support
Cancer Research UK https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/prostate-cancer
Macmillan Cancer Support https://www.macmillan.org.uk/cancer-information-and-support/prostate-cancer
Prostaid – for people living with prostate cancer https://www.prostaid.co.uk/
Lions Clubs support
Lions Clubs are:
- raising awareness through presentation events, information days, and informal talks on prostate cancer with the support of Prostate Cancer UK
- holding screening events in partnership with PCaSO Prostate Cancer Support Organisation, the Graham Fulford Trust, and Cancer Testing South
- fundraising to purchase cancer biopsy equipment, hold screening events, and give support to local community groups.
If you would like further information to support your club or purchase the Lions Prostate Cancer badge, please make contact with Lions Clubs National Headquarters on 0121 441 4544 or enquiries@lionsclubs.co.uk
The Lions Prostate Cancer presentation
The Lions Prostate Cancer video presentation is available to view and download – click here to watch: Lions Prostate Cancer presentation
The video takes you through the following:
- a short clip from Prostate Cancer UK
- a lions member story
- symptoms of prostate cancer.