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Ukraine Stove Appeal

Ukraine Stove Appeal

Winter of 2022 there was a huge need for portable generators in Ukraine.

Schools and kindergartens in Ukraine were left without power so, as a reaction to bombardments of the civilian infrastructure, a Lions member in Finland decided to try, with the help of other Nordic Lions Clubs, to collect funds and donate 100 generators. The call to action was launched, the huge need for this service made Lions from the following countries: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Germany, Netherlands, France, Ukraine, Switzerland, Estonia, Belgium and Poland join in this humanitarian service.

This resulted in:

Over 2,260 portable generators donated to schools and kindergartens.

Within 3 months over 1.5 million Euros were collected.

13 European countries participated.

Over 300.000 children in Ukraine received heat and light.

Winter of 2023 there is a huge need again, this time for stoves.

Since the beginning of the armed conflict in Ukraine it has been complicated for the families and households in South East Ukraine to warm the houses and cook the food.  This Winter gas and diesel fuels are scarce, people need to use wood. So, our wood stoves are the answer to the needs of so many families, in order to keep warm and to feed themselves.

We call on LIONS again so we can build and deliver wood running stoves to the households of South-East Ukraine!

Please download the PowerPoint presentation:

Winter in Ukraine – how you can support

Lions Clubs and Individual members – please send your donations to your District Treasurer marked ‘Ukraine Stoves’.

District Treasurers – please send donations received to Lion Linda Picton, as per the normal LCIF process, with a designation of ‘Ukraine Stoves’.

Thank you for your support.


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