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LIBRA – Lions International Blood Research Appeal
Name: Andrew Lodge
MD title: Chairman of Libra
Email: or

Key information

LIBRA is the official charity for the Haematology Department at King’s College Hospital in London. Funds raised benefit patients with blood cancers and a range of blood disorders such as Leukaemia, Acute Myeloid Leukaemia, Myeloma, Sickle Cell Disease and more. LIBRA relies on the generous support of the public, King’s patients and their families, and Lions Clubs from across the British Isles.

More than 40,000 people are diagnosed with blood cancer in the UK every year, and thousands more with blood disorders. With LIBRA’s help, King’s College Hospital is able to provide patients with the best care and treatments available, ultimately saving more lives. The funds raised help to ensure that new and improved treatments can be created for patients in the UK and overseas. Donations are also used to cover the cost of ward and laboratory developments, along with state-of-the-art equipment that is vital in the treatment process.

Please find below the latest LIBRA Newsletter for Autumn-Winter – January 2024.

This year LIBRA is working hard to raise funds towards their ‘Going for Gold Campaign’ target of £300,000. Having raised just over 50% of their target, LIBRA need Lions members’ help to reach the total.

Here’s a fundraising pack to see how you and your club can get involved:

To find out more visit LIBRA’s dedicated website

LIBRA Autumn-Winter Newsletter – January 2024

File size: 1.08 MB
Created: 24-01-2023
Updated: 12-01-2024
Hits: 145



LIBRA Fundraising Pack 2024

File size: 2.20 MB
Created: 12-01-2024
Updated: 12-01-2024



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