Documents – Insurance & public liability

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Documents – Insurance & public liability

Contact details

Name: Lions Clubs National Headquarters
Contact: 0121 441 4544

Key information

Please note:

Please download the Lions Insurance Update as at November 2023 and the Lions Clubs activities dated 31 October 2023.  Here is a link to them all:  Insurance documents

Insurance Update as at November 2023

File size: 16.18 KB
Created: 14-11-2023
Updated: 14-11-2023
Hits: 73


Lions Club Activities 31.10.23

File size: 495.98 KB
Created: 14-11-2023
Updated: 14-11-2023
Hits: 79


This is the most recent Summary of Cover.

Motor Cover

Cover is with Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance UK Limited

Premiums for cover are:

Daily charge: £33.60
Monthly charge: £537.60

All COVID-19 Government guidelines must be adhered to.

Prices are per vehicle. Should more than one vehicle be involved in towing a Christmas Sleigh, each will be subject to an individual premium.

The policy will automatically give cover for damage to the sleigh attached to the vehicle or when unattached provided it is in the proximity of the vehicle (for example: outside a shop during a fund-raising collection).

Amin requires the following vehicle details to confirm cover:

  • Make
  • Model
  • Engine Size
  • Registration
  • Value
  • Cover Required
  • Duration of cover
  • Driver details
  • Where the vehicle is kept overnight

Please email details of your requirement to

Vehicle and sleigh cover stipulations

Please note the following stipulations:

  • Santa must be wearing a seat belt when in motion.
  • A sleigh’s maximum speed when Santa is on board is to be no more than four miles per hour.
  • No person, other than Santa may ride on the sleigh.
  • Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance UK Ltd requires risk assessments for all evening use to include a pre-visit to locations. This needs to detail major hazards, such as parked cars and potholes. Previous claims by Lions Clubs have involved one or the other of these.
  • It is suggested that sleighs avoid driving down streets with cars parked on both sides. Most accidents occur when there has been insufficient spare to turn in such situations.
  • Cover will not be provided for any driver with more than six points on their licence. Details need to be presented to Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance UK Ltd in advance of allowing cover for any driver who has had more than one claim in the last three years.
  • Cover is for any driver over 25 and with a minimum of 2 years’ driving experience of the type of vehicle they will be driving.

To obtain cover for vehicles for the towing of sleighs, send details of the vehicles and trailers to be covered, and the duration for which cover is required to

Requests should be sent as early as possible to allow time for discussion with the insurers. Should a quote be needed by a particular date, this must be advised at the time of the request.

Music Licence Granted for Santa Sleighs only – 2023

File size: 107.37 KB
Created: 02-11-2023
Updated: 02-11-2023
Hits: 242


Lions – Group Policy – TWIMC Letter

File size: 127.60 KB
Created: 29-09-2023
Updated: 29-09-2023
Hits: 500


Click on Download all documents

Lions Insurance

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