
Lions British Isles Member Support Site

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Contact details

Name: Lion John Sutherland, Multiple District Officer, MedicAlert

Key Information

Lions Clubs International (MD105) British Isles has worked in partnership with MedicAlert for 55 years.

For children with underlying medical conditions, membership of the MedicAlert Early Start Programme can give peace of mind to parents and carers by providing early identification of potential treatment risks to the child by helping medical personnel to treat the child confident that the treatment can do no harm.

The cost of sponsoring a child on the Early Start Programme is £300. This covers a free annual membership for a vulnerable child up until their 10th birthday. 

Membership provides each child with a personal electronic record that stores secure information including their comprehensive medical history, directives, or precautions. This allows for fast and accurate first care decisions in an emergency, as the full record can be accessed via a 24/7 emergency phone line.

Each child also receives their first item of MedicAlert jewellery free of charge. This is engraved with their most critical medical information, MedicAlert’s emergency phone line, and their unique membership number.  As a result, paramedics and first responders can access the child’s electronic record without delay.


Donations should be sent to your district treasurer or direct to The MedicAlert Foundation, Suite 1, Liscombe South, Liscombe Park, Soulbury, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 0JL.

For every donation, the club will receive a letter of thanks, together with information regarding children supported in its area.

Case Study

Joshua Mountford suffers from several conditions including eczema, asthma, hay fever, and was recently diagnosed with a severe nut allergy.


Joshua became a MedicAlert member through the Early Start Programme when he was three years old.

He was offered free annual membership up to his 10th birthday and his first MedicAlert bracelet was given to him.

Joshua’s mother, Kate, explains how MedicAlert membership helps give the family peace of mind, knowing that in an emergency situation, thanks to the ID bracelet, Joshua’s details can be accessed quickly.

We were already aware of medical ID jewellery but hadn’t yet come across anything we thought would be suitable for Joshua. After the meeting, we registered straight away and Joshua became a member.

“We try our best to ensure Joshua isn’t affected by the precautions we take due to his allergy. His MedicAlert membership and ID jewellery offer a lifeline for him, should the worst happen.”

Monies raised from 2018 up to March 2021

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