Young Leaders in Service Awards (YLiS)

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Young Leaders in Service Awards (YLiS)

Young Leaders in Service Awards (YLiS)

Contact details

Name: Colin Marsh
MD title: MD Young Leader in Service Award Officer

Key information

Lions Clubs interested in supporting young people within their community through the Young Leaders in Service Awards, can download the following documents for full details and forms, including a poster. You can download all files at once or click on each one individually.

The Young Leaders in Service Awards encourage, guide, mentor and recognise young people (aged 8-18 years) for their community service. On completion of their hours of service, the young people awarded will receive a certificate, a letter of congratulations from Lions Clubs International (MD105) British Isles, and a Young Leaders in Service pin. There are three levels of award:

Bronze 25-49 hours service
Silver 50-99 hours service
Gold 100 or more hours service

   Platinum          250 hours service

A Certificate of Appreciation will be presented by the area District Governor to those participating in this youth programme who have carried out 250 hours or more of service.

Important Change

Following a revision of the Young Leaders in Service guidelines, an important change has been made.

The requirement for young people to carry out their community service over a full 12 months has been removed.

We hope this will help those young people who are involved with other organisations, e.g. Duke of Edinburgh Award; Scouting; St. John Ambulance; etc. by being able to obtain their YLiS certificate to coincide with their other award.

Awards will remain the same, i.e. Platinum (250 hrs); Gold (100 hrs); Silver (50-99 hrs); Bronze (25-49 hrs).

More information

Clubs interested in supporting a young person should get in touch initially with their Young Leaders in Service District Officer. You can also click below to download the poster, club guide, and the forms:

Further information about the programme can be read in the LION magazine Summer 2020. Questions may also be directed to the MD105 Young Leaders in Service Officer, Lion Colin Marsh by email:

Benefits of this youth project

The benefits for young people are:
  • experience the rewards of community service
  • become involved in their community and with their local Lions club
  • receive an International award.
The benefits for Lions Clubs are:
  • experience the rewards of supporting young people
  • gain publicity from Young Leader in Service Awards activities
  • increase the profile of Lions in your community

Finding participants for the Young Leaders in Service awards

Contact your local schools and youth organisations for young people aged between 8-18. These include young carers organisations, youth councils, Boys Brigades, Cadets, Girl Guides, Scouts, church groups, and sports clubs.

Suggestions for projects

The categories for the projects undertaken by the young people are:

  • service for the elderly
  • service for children
  • the environment
  • safety training
  • service to parents and family
  • literacy and education
  • disaster relief
  • public health
  • taking a leaders role
  • community improvement
  • helping a Lions Club
  • any other service activity of your choice.

Presentation Ceremony

Holding a presentation ceremony will help to:

  • recognise and reward young people for their commitment to community service
  • involve other people in the local community
  • raise the profile of your Lions Club and confirm Lions commitment to young people

This could be held at a school, a Lions presentation evening or a youth organisation’s own event.

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